Make Your Tava Tea and drink it everyday!

Making tea really is easy and not cost an excessive amount of moment, it can be much simpler and good when you follow these simple instructions:

Overall: 30 teabags in the box Each teabag can be utilized 2 times (no less than) 4g of tea per teabag

(It is extremely reasonable and economical for people)

Components per teabag: 40% Organic Steamed Sencha 30% Organic Wuyi Cliff Oolong 30% Organic Pu-erh

(A pure things that is exclusively combined with one another for more success)

Step by step instruction:

1. In teapot pour 600-700ml (3-4cups) of fresh boiled water
2. Leave it and wait after itreached a minimum of 75-80 degrees Celsius implies the water was cooled enough with good smell.
3. For the initial infusion lets wait 2-3 minutes, it's going to have a good looking color of golden brownish. And now, the tea is ready to drink.
4. You could have the tea bag- BUT don?t throw it (it is made to recycle), it is available and can be use twice since the flavours are still in the tea bag and make sure that you put it in neat and not moist tea cup. Still for the second use it will release again a proper anti-oxidants.
5. For the second infusion, serve a lesser amount of od boiled water for at least 500-600ml (2-3cups) and pour into a teapot. 6. And again, wait it until it reached the good temperature of 75-80degrees Celsius coldness.
7. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes for the second infusion. The color is identical but it releases different tea oils and anti-oxidant that leading to a different taste but with same effect. And the second stepping of tea is very ready.

A very simple way of producing twice used with the Tava Tea teabag with same outcomes and effects. Cost-effective.